My Profile

Usama Mahboob
Phone Number:  0311-9551948

My name is Usama Mahboob. My homeland is Pakistan. I was born on 6-June-1996. I am 20 years old . I am studing in BIIT in (CS) field. I was in 4th semester. Recently i passed my FSC Degree from IMCB F-7/3. I got 59% marks in FSC. I also passed MATRIC form the same Institution IMCB F-7/3. I got 76% marks in Matric. From 6th class to Fsc i studied in IMCB F-7/3. In 5th class i got scholorship form FBISE Islamabad and got 90% marks.

  1. Studing in BS(CS) in BIIT.
  2. FSC from IMCB F-7/3
  3. Matric from IMCB F-7/3

My Hobbies are to playing different games like cricket, football and also indoor games like ludo. I also likes spending some time meeting my old friends and fellows and discussion about old days which we spend together.

I am Normal in studing as like many other students. I got more interest in Extra Curricular activities than studing. I was also interested in using Internet and having knowledge about different matters of the world. I likes CS field and espacialy the subject of WEB Designing & Development. I wanted to succeeded in life and pay a key role in my country progress.

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